Category: Uncategorized
Basics: Transistors and the Careful Placing of Impurities
(Editors Note: this blog post was first published on a, which has now been merged into This YouTube video from the Acme School of Stuff (circa 1988) is a blast from the past. Despite it’s age, the info is presented as well as I have ever heard. It’s a brief introduction to electronics,…
Basics: Vacuum Tubes
(Editors Note: this blog post was first published on a, which has now been merged into When I was a kid, I knew that televisions, radios and all sorts of electronics used vacuum tubes prior to the invention and widespread use of transistors. In fact, the black and white television on which I…
First Boards Have Arrived
(Editors Note: this blog post was first published on a, which has now been merged into The board has now been renamed S2Duino. S2 stands for either “single sided” or “super simple.” This post is published exactly as it appeared). On Saturday, the first batch of boards arrived. While these are not the…
Introducing Myduino V4 (Now S2duino)
(Editors Note: this blog post was first published on a, which has now been merged into The board has now been renamed S2Duino. S2 stands for either “single sided” or “super simple.” This post is published exactly as it appeared). Now on it’s fourth iteration, here is Myduino V4. This DIY Arduino clone…